At ABSA Branch Administration centre the same circumstances apply but things was a bit different. The assistant manager is a great and understanding person and we worked very well
At ABSA Branch Administration centre the same circumstances apply but things was a bit different. The assistant manager is a great and understanding person and we worked very well together.
Despite my own job, I helped there; I fixed problems here and temporally take over a department or two to sort problems out. I managed to solve a problem within one day while a whole Head Office administration team was “camping” at our branch during the previous two weeks in a fruitless attempt to resolve it.
I only learned why they are there after my departmental head asked me to do something for them. After a few minutes I went to the assistant manager and asked what the hell are they trying to do? They cannot do it in such way.
End of the story is that he allowed me to take the appropriate work home so that I can see what I can do. The next morning I gave them a complete reconciliation of the outstanding amount of R22m something.
The administration team left the same day but it took some senior officials of three branches and me two or three weeks of overtime to sort out and fix the numerous outstanding amounts.
Some weeks later while I was as usual busy with my own work as well as sorting out a mess at another department, I received my first payslip after promotion to supervisor.
Well, up to that stage I could never manage to take more than about R300 of my salary home after deductions despite my nine to ten years’ service and everything what I already done.
Up to that point my performance and ratings was mostly above average. I was needed in several departments and if there was a problem, “Frank, can you help please” was a common question I’ve heard. (Or see then) Several promises are already made during the past few years to promote me to supervisor and I anyway act as supervisor and temporally department’s head.
Since I am promoted to supervisor level it should mean a salary increase to the next minimum level (at that stage the minimum salary for supervisors was about R6000pa more than my salary) you could imagine the shock when my payslip only shown a R70 increase, because ABSA decided to stop minimum levels at that very same day.
To make things short, I burst out at my manager in front of all the staff for several minutes. Pointing out what I’ve done. Pointing out the various promises. Pointing out the staple of work on his table what I’ve sorted out. A total mess caused by a supervisor of another department. A mess what he asked me to sort out because that supervisor couldn’t do it? A mess what I several times foreseen in the past and warned him about.
I pointed out the many problems I’ve solved what nobody else could do, I pointed out the double work for this and that department, the support to the very same people with salaries far more than mine. All this, for a R70 increases while my debts rises and rise so that I can put food on the table. He could not answer and I ended that same night up in hospital with meningitis.
I still have a lot to learn. You have worth. Don’t settle for less.
Jare gelede het 'n boer 'n plaas gehad wat deur geweldige stormwinde geteister was en het voortdurend gesukkel om betroubare werkers te kry..
Toe 'n skraal,
Die inligting op hierdie webblad is so bietjie deurmekaar want ek het na 10 jaar eers die afgelope week begin om hierdie Afrikaanse webwerf op te stel vir web berging. (Bied al
As jy so paar artikels wat ek geskryf het gelees het, is dit moontlik dat jy sal dink dis interesant, leersaam en of motiverend en moontlik positief teenoor my voel..
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Die internet bestaan uit 'n netwerk van rekenaars wat deur netwerke aan aanmekaar verbind is soos 'n spinnekopweb vandaar die
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Geen deel hiervan mag gekopieer, herproduseer or versprei word op enige manier
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- Gratis epos word gewoonlik altyd deur scammers en skelms gebruik en word dikwels heeltemal op baie
Snaaks genoeg kan ek selfs na jare se ondervinding en baie geld wat ek al verloor het, nie werklik ‘n “scam” as sodanig beskryf nie..
Ek sal wel na die