Pretoria, oh Pretoria.
I stayed in a rented compartment in Pretoria during my temporally employment at the Department and also for some months thereafter while working at
Pretoria, oh Pretoria
I stayed in a rented compartment in Pretoria during my temporally employment at the Department and also for some months thereafter while working at the association for the deaf.
Like the previous years I also encountered problems after problems reflecting my personal life. I don’t really want to elaborate on some specific problems but to mention a few.
I once worked for 9 months in Johannesburg as driver and bodyguard for a group of strippers. 10am till 5am day in and day out. During this time it happens many times that I walked unarmed at night in high-risk places such as Yeoville, Hillbrow etc without much trouble or problems.
In Pretoria, my first months salary was stole out of my pocket in clear daylight. Was twice attached at night during attempted robbery and my car windows was also smashed in clear daylight and stolen a few months later. Once a gang tried to force me out of the train late at night at the Moorcroft station (at a township) but I only loose my leather jacket. When I much later that night walked home in the cold a small dog bite my from behind. (The first time ever that a dog do that)
Oh well, that’s general problems but there are also the emotional problems. Emotional problems to be strong, positive and helpful at all times while things fallen apart, while there is nobody to support and encourage, to fill that energy tapped from day to day.
There are also the emotional problems if one falls in love with your soul mate, a person what could fit every aspect of your life like if God created each person specific for the other. Emotional strain created by something that seems to be a double personality, a woman with the years and experience of an adult, but the soul and heart of a child, a fairy locked in the cage of sorrow.
Once, looked down on dear old Pretoria, I wrote this,
A question, so powerful and real,
“How can you, blue eyes, close and fail?”
Impossible, should I say, because of you.
You are the ground beneath my life,
the rock what keeps me, secure and firm.
But the truth will bring tears of pain,
and I could fall like a mountain in the sea.
That day when you loose your faith in me,
the ground collapse and my feet will go astray.
A corpse that is buried,
with still my love for you inside.
Jare gelede het 'n boer 'n plaas gehad wat deur geweldige stormwinde geteister was en het voortdurend gesukkel om betroubare werkers te kry..
Toe 'n skraal,
Die inligting op hierdie webblad is so bietjie deurmekaar want ek het na 10 jaar eers die afgelope week begin om hierdie Afrikaanse webwerf op te stel vir web berging. (Bied al
As jy so paar artikels wat ek geskryf het gelees het, is dit moontlik dat jy sal dink dis interesant, leersaam en of motiverend en moontlik positief teenoor my voel..
Wat is web berging? (Web Hosting).
Die internet bestaan uit 'n netwerk van rekenaars wat deur netwerke aan aanmekaar verbind is soos 'n spinnekopweb vandaar die
Sommige of al die materiaal op hierdie website mag beskerm wees onder kopiereg wetgewing..
Geen deel hiervan mag gekopieer, herproduseer or versprei word op enige manier
(Vir mense wat my versoek dat ek epos stuur of per inbox vra "Vertel my meer" het ek die volgende getik. Let ook asseblief daarop dat die aangehegte gesegde my
Op 'n draai in die pad kom 'n mens skielik op hom af. 'n Verrimpelde grysbaard wat langs die pad onder 'n koelteboom sit en groente verkoop. 'n Skrille kontras
Om te illustreer hoe waardevol tyd is, kom ons kyk hoe dit sou lyk as tyd geld was..
Vir berekenings het ek 'n skamele R10 per uur gevat en uitgewerk oor 'n
As ons na baie van die mense kyk wat hulle self opgewerk het en nou skatryk is, dan is ek seker dat meeste van hulle in 'n stadium van hulle lewe feitlik net gewerk en gewerk
Ondanks die ontsaglike hoeveelheid water wat elke dag gebruik word is die hoeveelheid water op aarde nog presies dieselfde na miljoene jare en is droogte maar net omdat water
Daar is heelwat faktore wat 'n invloed het maar 'n paar word hieronder verduidelik om jou 'n idee te gee oor hoekom ons 'n webwerf kan aanbied teen R19 pm terwyl
'n Gratis webwerf en epos beteken twyfel en verlore kliente..
- Gratis epos word gewoonlik altyd deur scammers en skelms gebruik en word dikwels heeltemal op baie
Snaaks genoeg kan ek selfs na jare se ondervinding en baie geld wat ek al verloor het, nie werklik ‘n “scam” as sodanig beskryf nie..
Ek sal wel na die